
My work focuses on the complex relationships with food, particularly sweets. On one hand, it is a source of happiness, providing opportunities for socializing among friends and family, comfort, and artistic inspiration through various colors, shapes and textures. On the other hand, it can be mentally and physically addictive. My indulgence in sweets has been a complex and fraught relationship, causing intense personal reflection that fueled this body of work.

When I started changing my diet, I found myself drawing sundaes, cakes and pastries, believing the pure aesthetic of sweets was the sole motivation behind my work. Creating multiple food-centric projects pushed a realization that these depictions of sweets are a subconscious way to cope with the yearning for healthy, intimate moments of sharing meals amongst friends. However, these fade with time or become twisted with excess, and tainted with desire and frustration.

I attempt to express the narratives of momentary happiness conflicting with overindulgence by utilizing the multiplicity of printmaking and the process of creating individual watercolor pieces. Depending on the medium, the context of food changes from a link to the personal, to items of desire. While the nature of both alter the message, the love and conflict with food is ever-present.